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How-to guide to fixing knee pain in teenagers

How-to guide to fixing knee pain in teenagers
In our previous post, I wrote about what knee pain often is in teenagers and why it can be such a challenging problem to fix. Today, I'm writing about my personal solution to curing people who have the often blanket-termed condition know as "Patella-Femoral Pain Syndrome" or "Knee tracking pain".  I must stress, this program is for those who fit the catagory of Patella-Femoral pain. Check out our previous post here which explains the signs and symptoms of this condition. You should not...
Posted on 2019-10-22

Finally a solution for knee pain in teenagers

Finally a solution for knee pain in teenagers
It starts with something small that we hope goes away.. One of the biggest issues facing parents and their growing teenagers is what to do when they begin to complain about knee pain. It starts off with something that will just go away or we attribute it to just growing pain related. After a few weeks of trying to ignore the signs, you begin the see the issue starting to affect day to day life, in particular school and activity sports. You begin to hear about stories of limping up and...
Posted on 2019-07-24

How laser is used to treat shoulder problems

How laser is used to treat shoulder problems
Physiotherapy in Redcliffe for Shoulder Q: Have you ever heard of using laser to treat a shoulder impingement problem? How does it work? A: Shoulder impingement is a common condition causing significant shoulder pain in adults of all ages. Most of the time, the problem is one of subacromial impingement. Impingement means something is getting pinched. Subacromial tells us that the something in question is located under the acromion. The acromion is a piece of bone that comes around from behin...
Posted on 2019-05-17

10 common questions about whiplash injuries

10 common questions about whiplash injuries
  Most people experience a whiplash injury following a motor vehicle accident where you are either hit from behind or you rear-ended the car in front of you. However, whiplash is not just from car accidents. Any incident where a person is hit, pushed, or fallen with enough force that is unexpected can suffer whiplash pain. Here I outline the 10 most common questions I am asked about whiplash injuries and provide honest answers from my 12 years + in the physio industry. How long does w...
Posted on 2018-07-13

To lose weight or to lose fat - that is the question?

To lose weight or to lose fat - that is the question?
Firstly, you should know - what does weight loss mean to you? Is your goal to conquer the scales? Or is it to look HOT in that bikini this summer? If you want to conquer the scale easy, just do more cardio with your healthy eating regime. Cardio shrinks down both fat and muscle and you may end up skinny and soft. If you want to look HOT and lean in those bikinis this summer then add strength training to your cardio and healthy eating regime. WHY weight training you say, here it is ladies. Th...
Posted on 2018-02-13

5 Foods that you didn’t know were high in salt.

5 Foods that you didn’t know were high in salt.
Breakfast cereals: Cornflakes (550mg per 100g), Rice Bubbles (550mg per 100g) and Nutri-Grain (480mg per 100) all contain more salt than we would like to see in a breakfast cereal. Ideally, choose a breakfast cereal that has less than 400mg of sodium (salt) per 100g. Bread: Salt is an essential ingredient in bread so finding a low-salt bread can be difficult. Try to find a bread that has less than 400mg sodium per 100g. Also try to limit your bread intake to no more than 4 slices per day. ...
Posted on 2018-01-30

When my weight loss plateaus what should I do?

When my weight loss plateaus what should I do?
Firstly, there is no clear cut answer, hormones may challenge you, eating less may be sending signals to your body to hold on to as much food as possible to maintain nourishment. However, with exercise it is easy SWITCH UP YOUR WORKOUT!! Everyone’s body is a great machine, you introduce your body to an exercise that it hasn’t done before then as a result, you get the shakes when you go down the stairs, sitting down becomes a challenge but then all that disappears, why is that? You...
Posted on 2018-01-23

Are you pressed for time?

Are you pressed for time?
Are you pressed for time? Is it possible to lose fat without working hard for hours at a time? ANSWER: Yes – Do interval training. It is backed by many research articles to; Improve the ability to burn more energy in less time; Improve glucose utilization; Improve cardiovascular fitness; Train in less the amount of time to get results which is ideal for time poor individuals and many more benefits… Ask your Exercise Physiologist to see what routine will work best for yo...
Posted on 2018-01-16

Sea salt or table salt? Honey or sugar?

Sea salt or table salt? Honey or sugar?
Sea salt or table salt? Honey or sugar? Isn’t low fat yoghurt full of sugar? This fantastic article from the Dietitians at the Healthy Food Guide will answer all these questions and more!
Posted on 2018-01-09

Watching your weight? Try these clever food swaps

Watching your weight? Try these clever food swaps
If you are watching your weight over the silly season, try these clever food swaps from the Dietitian’s Association of Australia: Nibbles: Swap four squares of chocolate for two chocolate-coated strawberries.         (Save 300KJ and 3.4g fat.) Lunch: Swap one cup of pasta salad made with creamy dressing for a cup of coleslaw with fat-free dressing.         (Save 1,350KJ and 21g fat.) Dessert: Swap a larg...
Posted on 2017-12-12
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