Firstly, you should know - what does weight loss mean to you? Is your goal to conquer the scales? Or is it to look HOT in that bikini this summer?
If you want to conquer the scale easy, just do more cardio with your healthy eating regime. Cardio shrinks down both fat and muscle and you may end up skinny and soft.
If you want to look HOT and lean in those bikinis this summer then add strength training to your cardio and healthy eating regime. WHY weight training you say, here it is ladies. The more muscle you gain the more energy you burn sitting on your bottom which helps promote the TONED look. Technically you are a burning machine up to 38 hours after weight training whereas once you stop cardio the energy burning stops.
Also, if you put 1kg of fat on a scale and 1kg of muscle on a scale the muscle appears to be the size of a baseball whilst the 1kg of fat is three times the size and looks like a wobbly bowl of jelly.
I don’t want to get buff you say? Females do not produce enough male hormones to get as buff as a man - that is why we lean out. Women that you see in photos or in body building competitions take certain supplements to look that way and they eat a heck of a lot more. You will definitely not look like that unless you choose to look like that.
How much weight training exercises should I do? What reps and sets should I do to look HOT in my bikini? Every person is unique that is why you should come and see the Exercise Physiologist for your exercise regime to help you along your new journey.