If I manage to accidentally flick over to one of those infomercial channels and they are selling exercise equipment, I will often keep it there just for the entertainment value. With promises of shredding that stomach fat in 6 minutes a day or cutting your weight in half in 12 weeks it’s funnier than most sit coms!
I like to see the positive in everything, and I certainly don’t see myself as a cynic, although these claims are hilariously inaccurate. I have people telling me weekly that they bought an ab machine and although they use it every day, it hasn’t ‘Shredded’ their abs. Unfortunately we can’t ‘spot’ weight reduce. This means that you can’t expect to lose weight around the stomach just by doing sit ups. In fact, I can name a heap of different exercises that will drop the kilos a lot quicker than any piece of equipment purchased from the TV.
In essence, you want to target the largest muscle groups. The stronger and more toned your muscles, the higher your metabolic rate will be. This translates into a fat burning machine like a wild fire, rather than just a simmer. To go one step further, make sure you start all of your workouts with leg exercises. Because legs make up a lot more muscle mass, you will get a lot more bang from your buck. Not only this, you’ll start mobilising those strength building hormones, so when you work out smaller muscle groups (arms/shoulders), the hormones are ready to accelerate their growth.