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Transform Your Health with Hydrotherapy: Mark's Weight Loss Journey

Discover how Mark transformed his health and lost 30kg with hydrotherapy. Learn why this low-impact exercise is perfect for joint health and weight loss.

Can water really be the key to losing weight and relieving joint pain?

Meet Mark, a 41-year-old from North Brisbane, who has transformed his life through hydrotherapy. Born with Dwarfism, Mark found a perfect exercise that helped him lose an incredible 30kg while improving his joint health. His journey is a testament to the power of water-based exercises.

 Mark, a 41-year-old man from North Brisbane, engaging in hydrotherapy in a pool

The Benefits of Hydrotherapy for Weight Loss and Joint Health

Hydrotherapy, also known as aquatic therapy, involves exercises performed in water. This form of therapy is especially beneficial for individuals with joint issues, as the buoyancy of water reduces the stress on joints while providing resistance to build strength. Mark discovered these benefits firsthand.

Mark's Journey: From Struggles to Success

Working three to four days a week in Brisbane City for an NDIS plan management company, Mark was looking for a sustainable way to manage his weight and improve his health. Since meeting his hydrotherapist Andrew in 2018, Mark has consistently engaged in hydrotherapy sessions. The results have been astounding.

"Hydrotherapy is one of the best exercises I can get, and it's great for my joints. It helps me achieve a weight loss of about 30 kilos over four years," Mark shares. The low-impact nature of hydrotherapy has allowed him to exercise without aggravating his joints, particularly his knees, which used to give him trouble.

The Transformative Power of Hydrotherapy

The benefits extend beyond weight loss. Mark has experienced significant improvements in mobility and overall health. "I have a lot more mobility now with the weight loss, and my knee doesn't play up as much with the exercise I do in the water," he explains. This increased mobility has positively impacted his daily life and overall well-being.

Mark's journey with hydrotherapy showcases the profound impact of water-based exercises on weight loss and joint health. With improved mobility and a remarkable 30kg weight loss, Mark's story is an inspiration to anyone looking to enhance their health through low-impact, effective workouts.

Ready to transform your health like Mark? 

Try My Health Team hydrotherapy and experience its benefits for yourself. Click HERE to talk to a Physio and we will answer all the questions you have over the phone, completely for free.

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You might not be quite ready to go ahead and book an appointment with a Physio or Podiatrist right now. Maybe you have some burning questions and think it would be helpful to talk with someone at My Health Team first, so you can be 100% sure that we can help you. If this sounds like you, please click the button below and fill out the short form to schedule a call and one of our Physios or Podiatrists will answer all the questions you have over the phone, completely for free:

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Our Guarantees To You

  • Results guaranteed
  • You will get an accurate diagnosis and a time frame for recovery
  • Fun, new and modem facility
  • Same day appointments available
  • We don t use curtained off cubicles, we have individual consult rooms
  • You won t spend lengthy periods of time with a heat pack or TENS, therapy
  • 1 on 1 appointments, you get the entire 30 minutes with the practitioner.
  • No waiting
  • No referral is required and HICAPS is available for on the spot private health insurance claims.